
性爱视频 Patrick's College 性爱视频rathfield

Senior School

  • To encourage each student to take a journey of discovery and exploration through embracing the academic and co-curricular opportunities on offer
  • To build the confidence and character of our students through wide and varied experiences that encourage self-responsibility, challenge thinking and celebrate success
  • To foster within the students a sense of connectedness to the College, their peers and the community through Shining our Light Service learning
  • To place the student at the centre of the education journey and equip them with the tools and skills required to successfully navigate their senior years and life beyond
  • Through a culture of academic excellence, to enable each Year 12 boy to reach his full academic potential offering an HSC via three pathways: Academic ATAR, Blend of ATAR and Vocational and Non-ATAR Vocational.
Features of the Senior School
  • The Vera Wilson 性爱视频udy Centre for Year 12 students
  • A dedicated Senior School Library, ‘McGlade’ that offers a quiet and productive place to study until 4:45 PM each afternoon
  • Technology-rich classrooms and new, flexible science labs with operable walls to allow team teaching
  • The Scientia Cafeteria serving breakfast, recess and lunch
  • The Robson Auditorium, a 150-seat lecture theatre, for meetings and seminars
  • Interstate and International excursion and immersion experiences.